Where to find us

You can find Ferdinanda pub in Karmelitska Street in the city center near the Malostranske Square.

(MON–FRI 11:00–21:00; SAT-SUN closed)


Reserve on-line via reservation form, e-mail hospoda2@ferdinanda.cz or call: +420 257 534 015, Tel./Fax: +420 257 534 015

Plenty of space for your friends and events

100 seats including a lounge which is suitable for various social and corporate events.

Beer or Soda

You can choose from the best beers of selected small Czech breweries. Light lager from the Klaster brewery, dark lager Granat from the Cerna Hora brewery, special lager Demon from the Vysoky Chlumec brewery, and the original beerhouse flavoured soda.

Come to lunch

Have a really good daily menu. You can pay by cash, card or meal vouchers Sodexo and Ticket Restaurant.